
Smart Bulk


RL-TRANS invests in environmentally friendly transports and traffic safety

Nowadays reducing environmental emissions and the carbon footprint is of great importance, not only to others but also to us, not just because of clients’ demands, but also because of our own will. An economical driving behaviour is both safe and responsible, and all these together improve traffic safety as well as reduce energy consumption and emissions.

As you know, fuel consumption has for long been monitored, but for some time now, for above mentioned reasons, the driving behaviour has also been monitored. There has now been developed an economical driving index based on the driving behaviour data from Vehco. The index is based on several parameters, which are explained on the following page, that all have an impact on the driving behaviour. The company’s (all the drivers) index is now 50.8 with 100 being the maximum. There is therefore room for improvement.

SMART BULK is the name of the project, and the training of our drivers will start in April.


The Eco-Driving Index is a calculation of the overall eco-driving performance of a driver and it is based on the six existing eco-driving measurements, focusing on the behaviour of the driver:

  • Overspeed
  • Idle
  • Rollout
  • Coasting
  • Wasted energy
  • Harsh braking