
Dry Bulk Logistics

Dynamic Bulk Logistics

As a leading bulk logistics company in the Nordics, RL-Trans offers solutions to complex logistical challenges. 

We distribute your dry bulk products, such as (petro)chemicals, food, feed, minerals, powders and granules in the Nordics and throughout Europe with our modern and extensive fleet.


Our customers can have complete confidence in our expertise, as well as our high-tech equipment. We are proud of our state-of-the-art vehicles, innovative technologies, highly trained staff and our efficient network of branch offices and partners.

By offering flexible transports and warehousing, we allow our clients to adapt to market movements and demand.

What do you need delivered?

Powders and Granules

Petrochemicals and Minerals

Dangerous Goods and Waste

Feed and Food

Modern equipment

With a fleet of over 260 units, we can offer tailor-made and flexible solutions for all types of dry bulk products. We also have suction and pressurized vehicles at our disposal, as well as pressurized silos.

Delivering the Future

Quality is present in our daily operations down to the smallest detail. In our vision, quality, safety, health and environmental protection are key factors. 

We acknowledge the fact that quality is maintained by all our people, and we therefore continually educate our staff. Our quality is guided by ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, and RL-TRANS is also SQAS accredited and GMP+.



To meet our customers’ dry bulk requirements, we develop Europe-wide road transport and intermodal transport concepts. You can trust us to get your goods delivered – even when it comes to hazardous goods.

Do you need something delivered or stored?

Fill in the
or give us a call

Learn more

Smart Bulk

Smart Bulk is our eco-driving initiative. All our trucks are equipped with an on-board computer that gives real-time feedback to the drivers regarding their driving style.


Our Vacuumsilo unit is designed and manufactured to evacuate granules or powders from silos, containers, big bags and other silo vehicles.

Customer Portal

Our LogiDirect portal offers an overview of your orders and their statuses. Orders can be viewed in detail containing planned and actual loading/unloading dates and real-time positions on a map.